Always trying to catch up. . .Here are some of the highlights from May.
Elizabeth's 1st Dentist appointment. She did great!
Harrison is an old pro. He's been to the dentist several times this year. . .takes after his mother.
Our friends had a Cinco de Mayo party. We dressed up (notice the penciled in eyebrows and black lip liner -- please excuse the blatant stereotyping).
The kids ready to do the pinata. Notice Elizabeth's authentic Mexican dress. That was my sister Laura's when she was little. I had a matching red one that we lost at the beach.
Youngest to oldest. Harrison is a little out-numbered in this crowd. He doesn't seem to mind, and I'm sure he'll appreciate being friends with all these cute girls more and more over the years!
Enjoying the loot!
Harrison wanted Popsicles for his class as an early birthday treat, since he would not be in school for his summer birthday. He loved the girls in his class. He would call them "my girls." "My girls really like it when. . ." So funny. The one in the grey shirt was definitely his favorite. We've met her at the park and free movies several times this summer. It gives me hope that he is drawn to such a sweet, calm girl.
Spring Soccer came and went.
I went through a garage sale phase and found Elizabeth some really cute clothes.
Harrison went on a field trip to the farm.
Harrison graduated from Kindergarten (This was his undergrad Kindergarten. He'll be receiving a Masters Degree in Kindergarten next year.)
Harrison graduated from Kindergarten (This was his undergrad Kindergarten. He'll be receiving a Masters Degree in Kindergarten next year.)
We loved Mrs. Leisemeyer and Mrs. Kozmata!
What a big, handsome boy!
Mina hosted an ice cream celebration for all the LDS kindergartners who go to the school. 3 are missing and 4 from our ward go to another school. That's 15 total. This gives me great anxiety, because there are only about 6 who will be in Kindergarten with him next year and only two of them at the same school. Once again, Harrison with all the ladies!
Elizabeth at Miss Julie's end of year Dance Review.
Harrison couldn't resist participating a little. Suddenly this picture following all the pictures of him with all the girls makes me a little uncomfortable. I assure you, he is full of testosterone and aggression, loves making gassing noises with various parts of his body, and is very much all boy.
I liked her hair.
Some documentation of the Karate Kid obsession. He started labeling all of his school papers as Harrison Laruso (For those non-Karate Kid experts, that's the main character, Daniel-San's, last name). He told me that he was going to marry a girl with the last name Laruso so that could be his new last name. He was a little disappointed when I explained that's not how it works.